Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Shadow Knows.....

I love hot rods. I love the idea of taking a good design and reworking it until the envelope is truly pushed. Cars, rockets, whatever...they can all be made just a little faster; a little crazier. Witness the Thrustline Aerospace Black Shadow.

I won the Black Shadow kit many years ago in a rocket contest. It was a good, honest kit, about 17 inches tall and with a 18mm engine mount.

The original design

It just didn't speak to me, though. For some reason it struck me as a little stubby looking and under powered. It needed a little....souping up.....

First, I decided that 18mm was just too small. That engine mount went into the junk bin and a 24mm mount replaced it. Now I needed to make the rocket look like it could scream. I went from four fins to three, added leading vanes on the fins, and installed a tail cone. Finally, I printed up some custom decals. And....

The Black Shadow SS. (Super Sport). Now I had a rocket that easily zooms out of sight, and looks great doing it! I've flown it several times and so far I've been lucky and gotten it back every time.

And that is how I took a good model and turned it into something I consider great!

Until next time, fly 'em fast and high!

Monday, April 20, 2015

This is Not a Post

Due to the Texas Education Agency's somewhat strange preoccupation with giving high stakes standardized tests to elementary students, Mr. Powley is being held in a "testing dungeon" until next week. There is nothing to see here. Move along.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tales of The Rocketman!

Way back in September, I had a birthday. Ok, that's not particularly interesting, but I'm building to something here. You see whenever someone has a birthday at my work, a wonderful lady named Ms. Powell makes a big sign to go outside of their room or office (hey, it is an elementary school, after all). Here is mine:

You can see that the signs refer to interests of the "birthday person." In my case we have Disney, music and rockets. Fair enough. However, it was the rocket part that caught my eye. At first glance, I thought that "Rocketman" was a reference to "The Rocketeer" by Disney, but when I looked closer, I saw that it wasn' least not directly.

My interest piqued, I looked up this trashcan helmeted hero and found this:

It seems THIS Rocketman came a few decades before the Disney version, although it actually inspired the later movie. Actually, it inspired a comic book that then inspired the movie, but its close enough. By the way, the three nobs  on his suit are for up, down, speed. Apparently NASA sure went out of their way to make spaceflight more complicated!

By the way, if you haven't seen "The Rocketeer," you should probably check it out. It's a great campy period piece that never got the audience it deserved.

Until next time, fly 'em fast and high!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Favorite April Fools Picture

Well April Fools comes around but once a year, but it is always a festive occasion in Blogworld. One of the best of the best at the April Fools blog is Major Pepperidge over at Gorillas Don't Blog. This year he ran a "best of" series, and while I certainly encourage you to check it out, I borrowed my favorite for my little ol' blog. Actually, this is the second time I've borrowed it, since I ran it in the newsletter a few years ago when it first came out. So, without further blithering from me here is my favorite April Fools picture with commentary by none other than Major Pepperidge himself!

The good Major states, "It's still my favorite! The original slide was vertical, but I wanted more room for the rocket to fly in, so I cropped off some of the bottom and  painted in some additional sky. Then I found a decent photo of the Moonliner (I needed to see pretty much the whole thing), and altered it to look as if it was up above us, with the legs in the "closed" position. Next I found a nice exhaust plume from an Ares rocket launch, and spent quite a bit of time trying to make it look like it was behind some elements, and in front of others, so that it felt like it was inside the park. Then I added a bit of extra glow around the base of the rocket to make the blast feel hot and bright. There are some things I might do differently these days, but I'm leaving it be."

So there you have it! Have a fantastic week and fly 'em fast and high!