Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Something Else From My Library...

This week we have a selection that's fresh off the shelf... from my book case! I give you:

Now, this isn't a new book. It was published in 1987. It's also not an expensive book. You can find it starting at just over two bucks on Amazon. It is, however, a pretty entertaining book for the typical rocket/ sci-fi geek (myself included). Here is a shot of the back cover and table of contents:

Yes, that's my thumb in the last picture. We spare no expense or effort at SLTB!

Ok, back to the book.

John Javna teamed up with various tv critics and gives us an amusing take on quite a few sci-fi shows. As you can see, they cover the "Top Fifteen," the "Worst Ten," the "Classics," etc...  You may or may not agree with what they have to say (the Amazon reviews had a couple of folks who were clearly not happy with the rankings!) but the material is presented in such an entertaining way that that doesn't matter (except, apparently, for the beforementioned reviewers).

I like it because it not only brings back great memories of shows I loved (or hated), but it also informs me about shows I've never seen! Would I have modeled Captain Video's faithful ship without this book? Probably not.

So, since I feel that model rocketeers should be well informed about not only science fact, but also science fiction, I recommend plunking down five bucks or so (shipping, you know) and checking this out!

Until next time, fly 'em fast and high!

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