Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Advantage of Being Cheap

I am cheap. I admit it. I'm actually rather proud of it. Some of it is that I live on a teacher's salary, but some of it is just being practical. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

That being said, it is little wonder that when my Paasche airbrush broke a few years ago, I didn't run out and buy a new one. I made due with rattle cans, all the while desperately holding my breath so as not to aggravate my allergies. I knew that I should be using an airbrush to spray on my wonderfully non itchy acrylics, but that cost too much, dadgumit!

Well, patience finally paid off about a year ago. My wonderful wife and I were at an estate sale in Dallas when I spotted this:
Yep, its the exact same airbrush that had broken. In fact. it was brand new. it had never been out of the box.

Now. 45.00 isn't a bad price, but I didn't pay that. You see, they had everything marked down at least half price! So, I actually paid less than twenty. Cheapness wins!!!

I used my airbrush for the first time a couple of days ago, and I love it. No itches! My rocket finishes should improve now that I don't have to hold my breath and run away after every little spray!

So the moral for today's post is; Don't be afraid to be cheap. It can pay off!

Until next time, fly 'em fast  and high!

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