Thursday, October 13, 2016

Three Rockets, Chosen At Random...

Ok, not exactly at random, but close. When I went to write this week's blog, I began to think about all the cool kits that, for one reason or another, I have never built. So, I went to my rocket drawers (no, those aren't what I wear when I'm flying rockets) and pulled out the first three unopened kits that caught my eye. Here they are!

From left to right we have the Semroc Orbital Transport, the Estes Black Brant II, and the Fliskits Acme Spitfire. All of these are great kits. All of these are noble kits. All of these are kits truly worthy of being built. Why haven't I? Well, let's take a look.

On the Semroc Orbital Transport, I was going to build it when the company went on hiatus. Suddenly it was "collectible." Crud. Of course now it's back in production again, so I can knock it right out, right? Not so fast. You see there is a lot of balsa in this kit. A whole lot of balsa. A stinkin' whole lot of balsa. I hate filling and sanding balsa! So, as much as I'd like to see it built, I've got to psych myself up to facing all of that dang wood....maybe next week...or the next...

Next we have the Black Brant II. It is an incredible performer, that never fails to put in spectacular flights! It also looks cool! There isn't too much balsa! Let's build it!!! Not so fast. It's also out of production and is a "minor classic" in my eyes, and therefore "collectible." Crud.

Lastly we have the Fliskits Acme Spitfire. It's a really fun kit. It has very little balsa. It is a fun and challenging build. Let's build it!!! Not so fast. It's also not mine.


Yep, it actually belongs to Laurie, my wife. Now, I'm fairly sure that if I asked her to let me build it she would gladly say yes, but I have dozens of other rockets that aren't hers that I need to build so....there ya go.

So there you have it. Right after I took this picture I put them all back in the drawers. Will they ever get built? Maybe. Of course there are many other projects that didn't catch my eye as fast like my Sizzorwing Transport, my P-Chuter Extreme, my Little Joe II, my Saturn V....and so on and so on....

Until next time, fly 'em fast and high!


  1. Half of my study and most of my garage are full of projects waiting to be built. Some day...
