Wednesday, February 26, 2014

An Old Sky-Hound Makes Good

In 1980 I purchased an Estes Maxi Icarus at Toys By Roy in Town East Mall. As I recall, I also purchased an FSI Echo 1 and some FSI engines (ah, those were the days). Anyway, for whatever reason, the Estes Maxi Icarus has proven to be a true survivor. Along the way, she has received more bumps and bruises that an NFL lineman, and after a while those scars became badges of honor. Instead of trying to hide them, I pointed them out. Also, somewhere along the way, the motor mount came loose. Instead of simply gluing it back, I installed a 3X18mm cluster and renamed her "Frankenstein."

Now, flashing forward 34 years from her purchase date, I found myself in need of a C engine super-roc for Megalaunch 14. I really didn't have time to build anything, so on the Saturday night before the Sunday flight day, I had a weird idea. Why not Frankenstein? A 3XA cluster would equal a C, after all. Upon measuring her, I found that she was about three inches too short. An old, crashed Mini-Bertha gave up three inches of its body tube, and Frankenstein 2 was born!

Well, long story short (I know..too late) I got third place! Granted there were only three competitors that had qualified flights, but still...  Therefore in celebration of this venerable old workhorse, I present the Estes Maxi-Icarus/ Frankenstein/ Frankenstein 2!

The triumphant third place flight!
Fly 'em fast and high!