Monday, September 26, 2016

Poking About in the 8th Dimension....

In 1984 a movie was released that would forever define "sci-fi nerd." I say that because true sci-fi nerds loved it, while everybody else was just confused by it.

I loved it.

The movie waz "Buckaroo Banzai- Across the 8th Dimension!" It starred a post- Robocop Peter Weller, along with John Lithgow and Jeff Goldblum, and was so wacky and over the top that if you knew anything about sci-fi at all, you were in for a treat!

The plot is too complex to go into'll have to see it for yourself. You'll thank me...probably.

Anyway, in celebration of the movie coming out, Marvel Comics released a two comic series based on the movie. Here it is!

I ran out and bought these as soon as they were released and have had then ever since. I really hoped that they would release a second movie, but with so-so box office sales, it was not to be...

However, Disney recently bought Marvel. They have given us Guardians of the Galaxy already. Could they swing a deal to bring Buckaroo back????? We can only hope.

Until next time, fly 'em fast and high!

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